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The Healing Waters Orakelkort opfordrer til at forbinde dig med vand elementet.

Alle de hellige floder, søer, have og oceaner, der omgiver os, og ophøjer vandet, som vores mest dyrebare ressource.

- Skabt af Rebecca Campbell  & Illustreret af den visionære kunstner Katie-Louise

Kortsættet består af 44 smukt illustrerede kort, samt tilhørende guidebog.
“Hvor der er vand, er der liv, hvor der er liv, er der vand.”

Vandet er et element, der længe har været infunderet med hellige velsignelser og ritualer, og som er anerkendt verden over, som en kilde til helbredelse. Lige fra vandet i din moders mave og til denne verdens hellige vand, er det fysiske og mystiske element i vand blevet æret, siden oldtiden som værende kraften til at helbrede. Slip vandets hellige visdom løs og din medfødte evne til at helbrede med dette fantastiske og smukke orakel.

Kortene kan hjælpe dig med at blive guidet til at indstille dig på vandets helbredende visdom og skabe plads i dit liv til at genopbygge, reflektere og nære dit sind, krop og sjæl.

The Healing Waters Oracle is a call to tune in to the sacred rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans that surround us, and celebrate water as our most precious resource. Where there is water there is Life; where there is Life there is water.
From the watery world of the mother to the sacred waters of the world, the physical and mystical element of water has been revered since ancient times as holding the power to heal.
The Healing Waters Oracle is a call to tune in to the sacred rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans that surround us, and celebrate water as our most precious resource. Where there is water there is Life; where there is Life there is water. This oracle and accompanying guidebook invite us to see water and all of Life as sacred.
Complete with mesmerizing digital montage imagery from visionary artist Katie-Louise, this activating oracle card deck was created by Rebecca Campbell, the best-selling author of Light Is the New Black and Rise Sister Rise, and creator of the Work Your Light Oracle, The Starseed Oracle and The Rose Oracle.
"A leading voice in spirituality, Rebecca's work is deep and illuminating.” - Soul and Spirit magazine
The 44 cards in this deck invite you to bathe in the nurturing powers and healing wisdom of water; to create space in your life to replenish, reflect, and nourish your mind, body, and soul.
In the accompanying guidebook, you’ll find out how to read the cards, some recommended card spreads, and instructions on how to attune to the cards.
Each card interpretation includes a healing waters affirmation or soul inquiry to help you deepen your connection to both the sacred waters and your inner world.
“We are water beings. This is a water planet. We drink water. We breathe it. We bathe in it. We swim in it. We eat it. We are it. Life exists only where there’s water. And where there’s water, there’s Life.
My wish is that in some small way, this oracle will open your mind, body, and heart to the incredible thing that is water, and that it will inspire you to appreciate water as sacred in your everyday life.”

Kortene og guidebogen er på engelsk.
Mål på æsken: 14 x 10 x 4,5 cm
Vægt: 400 g

Salgspris249,00 kr
Månesøster Krystaller The Healing Waters Oracle - Rebecca Campbell Engelsk orakelkort sæt + Guidebog
The Healing Waters Oracle - Rebecca Campbell 𖤓 Engelsk Orakelkort Sæt + Guidebog Salgspris249,00 kr